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February 4, 2022Foundation Waterproofing: Common Mistakes!
April 15, 2022Safe Interior Paint for Your Health
If you plan to paint your walls yourself, ensure the paint you choose is safe for your health. Selecting the right paint is especially important for individuals with allergies. It’s essential to avoid products containing components that may trigger adverse reactions. While truly neutral paints have yet to be developed, manufacturers are striving to offer products with the safest possible formulations.
How to Achieve a Smooth Wall Finish?
Another important factor when choosing paint is its finish. Before selecting a specific product, it’s worth evaluating the condition of the walls you intend to paint. Glossy and semi-matte paints will only look good on smooth and even surfaces. For walls with visible imperfections, opt for matte finish paints, which can help conceal minor flaws effectively.
Which Paint Should You Choose?
Answering this question involves considering all the points mentioned above. At SANIER, we offer a wide range of paints tailored to diverse needs.
Currently, we’re offering CAPAROL Samtex 2 at an attractive price. This high-quality product is designed for professional painters but works equally well for home use.
Samtex 2 is a latex primer and topcoat paint designed for interior walls and ceilings. It is solvent-free and plasticizer-free, making it a health-conscious choice for occupants of painted spaces. Despite being a product geared towards professionals, CAPAROL Samtex 2 is easy to apply, spreading smoothly without resistance on the roller.
Samtex 2 is perfect for large-scale painting projects where time efficiency is key. Its matte finish allows it to mask minor surface imperfections effectively. The uniform latex coating provides a reliable base for future latex paint applications, ensuring durability and excellent results.
Samtex 2 – CAPAROL
Farba Caparol Samtex 2 to lateksowa farbo podkładowo-nawierzchniowa dostosowana do potrzeb osób zawodowo zajmujących się malowaniem. Idealnie sprawdzi się do malowania wnętrz, na ściany i sufity z gładzi gipsowych i gipsowych mas szpachlowych, z tynków cementowo-wapiennych lub dyspersyjnych, betonu, cegły klinkierowej i silikatowej, płyt gipsowo-kartonowych. Także na stare powłoki matowych farb dyspersyjnych.