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117.00 (z VAT)


117.00 (z VAT)
BOSTIK MIX C500 RERPO  ensures reliable and durable repairs and reprofiling in PCC class applications, offering long-term performance even in challenging conditions. MIX C500 REPRO is […]


 ensures reliable and durable repairs and reprofiling in PCC class applications, offering long-term performance even in challenging conditions.

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MIX C500


is a single-component PCC repair and leveling mortar containing fibers, designed for both interior and exterior applications. This cement-based powder product includes siliceous and calcareous fillers, synthetic resins, and admixtures. Once mixed with water, it is ready to use. The mortar offers excellent adhesion to concrete, high compressive strength, and outstanding abrasion resistance. It is seawater-resistant and creates a smooth finish after application.


  • Base: Cement, polymers, hydrophobic additives
  • Grain size: Up to 2 mm
  • Application thickness: 5 – 30 mm
  • Working time: 60 minutes (+20°C)
  • Setting time: 230 min (initial), 320 min (final)
  • Application temperature: +5°C to +30°C
  • Compressive strength:
    • 13.0 MPa (24 hours)
    • 30 MPa (7 days)
    • 37.0 MPa (28 days)
  • Flexural strength:
    • 3.6 MPa (24 hours)
    • 5.5 MPa (7 days)
    • 8.7 MPa (28 days)
  • Abrasion resistance: Class A12 (EN 13892-3)
  • Carbonation resistance: dk = 3.5 mm
  • Fire reaction: Class A1/A1fl
  • Thermal resistance: -30°C to +70°C


MIX C500 REPRO is designed for repairing layers with a thickness of 5 to 30 mm in all reinforced concrete structures, both above and below ground. It is ideal for repairs, creating slopes, and leveling irregularities on concrete surfaces, including balconies, terraces, pools, stair treads, concrete and reinforced concrete structures, as well as industrial floors. The product can serve as a final layer when sealed with an appropriate lacquer or paint.

Instructions for Use

  1. Add MIX C500 REPRO gradually to the measured amount of water (3.5 – 3.75 liters per 25 kg bag) while mixing.
  2. Mix using a low-speed electric mixer or a concrete mixer until a homogenous consistency is achieved.
  3. Apply the mortar in layers ranging from 5 mm to a maximum of 30 mm thickness.
  4. After approximately 2 hours at +20°C, finish the surface using a styrofoam float, felt float, or mechanical trowel, depending on the desired texture.

MIX C500 REPRO ensures reliable performance for various concrete repair and leveling tasks, providing a durable and smooth finish.

Surface Preparation:

The concrete substrate must be solid and stable. Corroded concrete should be removed down to the area free of carbonation, and all loose fragments must be eliminated. Pay special attention to removing contaminants such as oils and grease. The surface should be thoroughly dampened with water before starting the application. To improve adhesion, the use of MIX A793 EMULSION is recommended. Reinforcing steel must be cleaned of rust and protected with a coating of BLOCK C514 TERRA 1K FLEX.


  • Notched trowel
  • Masonry trowel
  • Low-speed mixer
  • Leveling straightedge
  • Corner finishing trowel


  • Water dosage: 3.5 – 3.75 liters per 25 kg bag
  • Average consumption: 17 kg/m² at a thickness of 10 mm
  • Drying time: 2-4 hours, depending on ambient conditions


Technical Data Sheet




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Weight 25 kg
Dimensions 54 × 30 × 13 cm
Odporność termiczna:

-30°C do +70°C

Wytrzymałość na ściskanie:

13,0 MPa (po 24h), 30 MPa (po 7 dniach), 37,0 MPa (po 28 dniach)

Czas pracy:

60 minut (+20°C)


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